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Learn to Write Better Brand Headlines Using the Greatest Advertising Slogans of All Time!

Recently updated on October 11th, 2017 at 11:03 pm

In this article, we are reminding you of some of the greatest slogans ever written. When it comes to writing your own marketing copy, you can learn a great deal from these 5 incredible headlines that are still so alive in our memories.

We have broken down these catchy slogans into what we feel makes them so enduring as brand statements. Use them to create your own product or service slogans and start building your own memorable and long-lasting brand identity:

once you pop you can't stop

Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop!

This is an example of a slogan that describes the product experience exactly (if you’ve ever eaten Pringles, you’ll know that it’s extremely difficult to put them down). The sing-song quality of the statement is one that sticks in your brain. It is without question the most popular slogan for potato chips (can you think of any other potato chip slogan?).

Like many successful slogans, it’s based on a real truth. The truth of this statement is in the description of the unique packaging in which the “top pops off” and the addictive quality of the product. Find something true and unique about your business and you can make an instant customer connection with it.

How this example can be applied to your own slogan:

  • Ask yourself if your product or service has something unique? Do you have a unique packaging, feature, or quality that most competitors don’t?
  • Can you make a bold claim about your product or service that is, at the very least, a subjective truth? What do most people say about your service? Do you get repetitive feedback from your customers, i.e. “Your golf club has the best kept lawns in the entire county”? Find your major differentiator and put it into your brand proposition.

nike slogan

Just Do It

This slogan has gone beyond the realms of mere advertising and has become a mantra for people who want to exceed at a sport, lose weight, win a trophy, get a better job, find a new boyfriend, etc. It is a life statement that not only defines a brand but reflects a need in people to better themselves. When you are able to connect your brand to an actual thought or need, then your brand has gone from a commodity to lifestyle choice.

It seems such a simple thought, but sometimes these “easy” thoughts are the most effective and enduring.

How this example can be applied to your own slogan:

  • Don’t try to overcomplicate your thought process when it comes to your slogan. What are the first things that spring to mind about your company motives, wants, hopes, and desires…don’t think, just write! Amongst a page of randomness could be a gem such as this.
  • There are no strict marketing rules about slogans. It’s okay to look beyond the product and focus on a phrase, a feeling, and a more abstract thought association.

you either love it or hate it marmite

You Either Love It or Hate It

This is one that won’t be so recognizable for people in North America, but is one of the most enduring and well-known slogans in British advertising history. In typical British style, the headline is quirky and slightly weird! The idea that your business freely admits to being a divisive product that people either love or hate is a bold statement for any brand.

It works because it reflects an absolute truth about this super-savory product that has such a bold flavor that many people cannot stand it. However, those that do like it desire it as if it were liquid gold! The slogan forces the viewer to choose a side. It’s a fun, conceptual slogan that stands out because it’s such an atypical statement.

Sometimes a purely honest statement that people can connect to and associate with is more effective than making empty promises about your product or service. When making brand statements, people can smell “BS” a mile away!

How this example can be applied to your own slogan:

  • Out-of-the-box thinking can sometimes work just as well (even better in many cases) as overly researched slogans that laser-focus on describing the key touch points of a company or product.
  • Being brutally honest about your product can often work in your favor – take chances with your copy, or at the very least put the thought out there as an option when building a brand statement (try it out for a while…you might like living on the advertising edge).

yellow pages let your fingers do the walking


Let Your Fingers Do the Walking

This headline is just straight-up clever! It was probably the result of one of those “eureka” advertising moments when someone creating the brand said something so perfect and catchy that it went on to become a piece of advertising history.

The beauty of this statement is that it’s not immediate. It’s one of those slogans that takes a second or two to work out. But when the reader gets it, it appeals to their ego and reinforces how intelligent they are; “Ah! Yes! I don’t have to go searching the town for what I need, I can find it right here, in this book!”

As well as being a sharp and clever ad statement, it’s also fun. It turned the perception of a rather mundane task of looking in a directory into something “easy” and “appealing.”

How this example can be applied to your own slogan:

  • Don’t set out to be “clever” with your slogan, but try to find a way of describing your product and service in a personal and appealing manner – make it promise action, ease, success, etc.
  • Many headlines such as this one come out of a relaxed atmosphere of brainstorming and discussion – get together with members of your team in a laid-back environment and just talk about what the company is, does, means to people, how it makes life better, etc.

loreal because you're worth it

Because You’re Worth It

This headline speaks on a highly personal level to the viewer about how important they are and how they deserve luxury. It’s a super clever headline with almost a double-meaning about price and personal worth that responds exactly to what the product is and why someone would buy it. When dealing with a luxury item that some may argue is “frivolous,” L’Oréal communicates its value as something beyond price and makes a statement about personal fulfillment.

When a brand is able to describe itself as a sentiment rather than as a product, then it makes a stronger connection with a person. Rather than promising “beauty” it actually speaks of someone’s personal worth as a human being. Something that’s beyond price.

How this example can be applied to your own slogan:

  • Your product or service may have more value to someone than its obvious function – start thinking of what your business brings to someone in terms of “betterment,” “fulfillment,” “experience,” and “personal effect.”
  • When writing ad copy, a seemingly negative statement can easily be turned into a positive, i.e. something is expensive because it’s by far the most effective product on the market or a frivolous item is a luxury product that you richly deserve.
  • Go to our main website to start your own brand and identity with high-quality business cards, brochures, letterhead, envelopes, sell sheets, and more!

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