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10 Graphic Design Résumé Examples That Could Get You Hired

Recently updated on October 3rd, 2017 at 12:41 am

Designers are at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to their résumé. Unlike most other professionals, a designer is expected to make their graphic design résumé a visual reflection of their skills and abilities, and it’s not enough to merely create a document that lists abilities and experience. Much depends on the individual’s skill set and relevant experience, but an original résumé can say a lot about your design and conceptual skills – often more than any words can express.

If you’re looking for a design gig, then take a page out of these graphic design résumés that show some serious thought and skill. The following examples are the kind of résumés that could get you hired, or at the very least, get your graphic design portfolio seen.

1. Vidar Olufsen


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Vidar Olufsen has created a résumé in the guise of a “top secret” report with valuable information about himself. It displays not only his skills as a graphic designer, but also his imagination, sense of humor, and conceptual skills.

2. Ana Gaspar


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Designer and typography expert Ana Gaspar from Lisbon, Portugal, has created an incredible fold-out printed brochure/poster that offers sound bite info about her life, education, and skills. It is also a beautifully printed piece that perfectly showcase her skills as a graphic designer, photographer, and typography expert.

3. Ashley Spencer


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Ashley Spencer created an info-graphic style résumé that was printed on gorgeous recycled stock – a simple folded piece that looks elegant and stylish with all manner of graphs and pie charts to mesmerize the viewer!

4. Pat Schlaich


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Pat Schlaich created a “full-package” presentation piece to present as his résumé, work, and business card. The beautiful “pictorial” résumé is the perfect complement to this highly conceptual and graphical showcase!

5. Georgina Bousia


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Georgina Bousia from Greece has created a résumé and perforated (tear-off) business card to promote herself. Her résumé represents a visual time line with all her experiences and skills neatly packaged and presented in a series of charts, logos, and graphs. Beautifully printed as an oversized flyer, it gives an employer something impressive to look at and a takeaway business card to keep as a reminder.

6. Martin Zarian


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Martin Zarian from the UK has created a stunning résumé and CD sample kit that shows his experience and qualifications while showing off his skills as a graphic designer and exceptional digital artist. The fold-out package is neat and ingenious. An impressive résumé to show to any employer.

7. Rebecca Liggins

rebecca_liggins_resumeOriginal source:

A stunning fold-out booklet from UK designer Rebecca Liggins takes the viewer through a graphical journey of her work, experience, and skills. Packaged in this exquisite book-bound booklet form, this résumé is beyond impressive.

8. Jacopo Pulcini


Italian designer Jacopo Pulcini has created a super-clean and creative résumé with flat black and white icons that communicate all his experience and skill. The gorgeous black-and-white design is so simple but extremely elegant and sophisticated. The matching business card and stationery is a great touch.

9. Charlotte Allen


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Charlotte Allen from the UK has literally reinvented the typical idea of a résumé with a massively complex design project in the form of a twelve page newspaper along with personally branded business cards. It’s such a creative idea and so well executed. How could any employer not be impressed?

10. Sarah Neville


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New York designer Sarah Neville created a mail-out press pack for her résumé that included a CD and a business card. The pack was sent in a personalized envelope to intrigue viewers to look inside. This stunning press pack style design is a unique résumé that stands alone as a personal promotion item.

2 thoughts on “10 Graphic Design Résumé Examples That Could Get You Hired

  1. The “not just another graphic design student” resume brochure with a slip cover was amazingly well done! I wish I had that kind of skill.

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