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Category: NDF Happenings

NextDayFlyers Introduces Full-Color Custom Envelopes for Invitations, Business Mailers, and Marketing Promotions

NextDayFlyers has been rolling out some pretty sweet new print products for our customers over the last few months. One of the most popular of these products has been our new custom envelopes that have enabled customers to put their full-color designs, photographs, and logos on a big stack of different envelope sizes, ready for company and personal promotion.…

Effortless School Fundraising and University Rewards Program 

Recently updated on February 8th, 2021 at 07:46 pm

Back to School Means Fundraising

Next Day Flyers has a partnership rewards program for schools and universities.  Schools and other educational institutions select us as their official online printer and we provide a special landing page, unique to that school. Then associated families, friends, alumni, and staff, raise funds simply by ordering the printing they need through the special page. We provide, at no cost, the online means and technical support for the program to succeed.