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Photoshop Text Effects 2: How to Make a Flyer Really “Pop” With these 3 Text Effect Tutorials

Recently updated on September 29th, 2020 at 01:19 pm

The following tutorials are basic to intermediate Photoshop lessons that show you how to add stunning effects to your text layers. With these easy-to follow directions, we show you how to make a flyer, poster, or other print really stand-out with realistic and eye-popping effects.

We are also offering FREE downloads of these files to accompany these fab tutorials and to help you see, first hand, how to develop the layers and effects.

1.Syrup Text Effect

photoshop text effect




1. Create a file at least 1000 pixels in height and length in CMYK format (for print). This particular file is based on an 8″x4.5″ flyer size. Create a background with your choice of light-colored fill.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we created a background with a color value of # ebc5c5 (this effect works particularly well on light backgrounds such as the one above, but can be applied to all of your own designs or free stock images, etc.)

photoshop text effects

2. To complete your background layer effect, create a new layer, pick a red foreground color (#c93b3c) and select the gradient tool from your tool menu. In the gradient menu, ensure that your gradient is preset to Foreground to Transparent.


3. With the gradient set to “linear” in your global menu, drag your gradient upwards from two corners (as in example above). Turn the opacity of this layer down to 60%.


4. Create a new text file using a cursive font ( I used a font named Wolf in the City for the purposes of this tutorial) and give it the following color – #ecab1f.


5. Add the following effects (above) from the effects menu. Set the blending mode to Inner Bevel with the following pixel sizes (above). Set the Highlight Mode to “screen” with the color value of #efe9be. Set the Shadow Mode to “multiply” with the color value of #523506.

photoshop text effects

6. Pick “half round” from the contour menu with a range of 63%.


7. In the Gradient Overlay menu, choose “multiply” with a “linear” style”. Double click on your gradient bar to view the Gradient Editor menu and choose #422005 as your foreground color in the gradient toggle tool (gradient going from brown to white.)

photoshop text effect

8. In the Drop Shadow menu, add the following options (above).


9. Copy your newly created text layer and place above original text layer. In the layers menu, change the duplicate layer to “multiply” and bring the opacity down to 50%.

photoshop text effects

10. Make the following changes to the Bevel & Emboss settings (above).


11. Make the following changes to the Gradient Overlay settings (above).


12. Make the following changes to the Drop Shadow settings (above).


13.  Copy the current text layer and place it at the top of your layer stack. Keep the same opacity and multiply effect but open the effects menu to make new changes.


14. Amend the Bevel & Emboss style as follows (above).


15. Amend the Gradient Overlay style as follows (above).


16. Amend the Drop Shadow style as follows (above).


17. When all effects have been applied, the result is this (above).

photoshop text effect

18. You can add your own artistic finishes by pathing-out  a few “drippy” shapes (as in example above). To achieve the same style, simply copy and paste the initial effect: right click on effect layer and copy layer style choose the target layer you want to apply the text to, right click, and paste layer style.

2. Sporty Text Effect





1. Create a file at least 1000 pixels in height and length in CMYK format (for print) . This particular file is based on an 8″x4.5″ flyer size.

We took a picture of the grass to use as our background for the purposes of this tutorial and to show you how to make a flyer headline look textured and appropriate, but if you don’t want to take your own picture, or have another background in mind, I could suggest as a great free source for your free stock images.

sporty text effect

2. Create a text layer with your copy on. For the purposes of this tutorial, I have used the classic font Futura STD as my font base. Color your font in a dark gray color (#3d3a3a)


3. Copy your text layer


and open your effects menu


4. Double click your new text layer and add the following effects (above)


5. In your contour menu, add the following effects (above)


6. In your drop shadow menu, add the following effects (above)


7. Right click layer and convert to shape.


8. Select your text layer with the direct pointer tool and amend the stroke options by selecting a 3pt stroke with an outer alignment (see image above)

9. Apply a light-grey color for your outline (f7fcfa)

10. Duplicate this layer, rasterize it , and add a fill value of 0%.

11. Duplicate the original text layer, rasterize it , and move it to the bottom of your text layers.

12. Apply the following drop shadow effects (above)



13. Click on your top text layer and add the following effects (above)

14. When adding your texture element, click on your “patterns 2” menu and choose the crosshatch pattern (above) give it a scale of 31% and a depth of +103%.


15. There you have it! A super eye-catching text effect. This is how you make a flyer stand out, by adding cool and impressive text effects for your headlines and messages.

3. Super Easy ArtBoard Effect





1. Create a file at least 1000 pixels  in height and length in CMYK format (for print) . This particular file is based on an 8″x4.5″ flyer size.

Flood your background with a blue or grey tone (#cbe4de)


2.This text effects relies on contrast between surfaces and setting up  differing textures to sell the effect, so we need to create some texture in the following way:

Duplicate you color layer and go to filter>pixelate>pointilize. Set the cell size to 3 and press OK.


3. Bring down the opacity of your textured layer to 36%


4. Create a text layer with your copy. For the purposes of this tutorial, I used the Rockwell font.


5. Apply a light-grey or light-green effect to your text color (above)


6. Open your effects menu and check the following effects (above) and apply the following blending options to your Bevel & Emboss menu.


7. Apply the following Stroke choices to your text (above) and apply a white-green or grey shade as illustrated.


8. Apply the following menu choices to your Inner Shadow menu (above)

photoshop text effect

9. Double click your gradient bar and choose a Foreground to Transparent gradient preset from preset menu (the one that goes from color to clear, as seen in example above). Choose a simple black-to-grey gradient for your color choices.

photoshop text effects

10. Add the following drop shadow options (above). Use a light-green (#e3ebeb) or grey as your blend color.


11. The final text effect should look like this.


12. Add your own shape layers (above) and apply the same effect: right click on effect layer and copy layer style choose the target layer you want to apply the text to, right click, and paste layer style.


13. That’s it! A really easy effect that’s super effective.

Looking for more Photoshop text effects tutorials and files?

Here are 3 more stunning Photoshop text effect tutorials to add to your library of design files:

Photoshop Text Effects Tutorial: 3 Easy Effects to Transform Your Flyer Designs

This tutorial features:

Gold Bullion Effect

Neon Effect

Modern 3D Effect

  • When you need to make a flyer and get it printed, NextDayFlyers has a ton of free templates, design services, and online help to ensure that you get the best design and print results. Go to our website today and discover a better way of printing.

One thought on “Photoshop Text Effects 2: How to Make a Flyer Really “Pop” With these 3 Text Effect Tutorials

  1. I am not a designer but I share your point of view… I really like it.

    Better get back to work… there´s a lot of images to fix

    Luis Cabrera from Mexico

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