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Quick-Fire Questions: TeAda Productions

Equality is a cause worth fighting for. And while great strides had been made over the last couple of years, many agree that we’ve still got a ways to go. Fortunately, there are many organizations willing to raise awareness about the issues that marginalized communities face on a daily basis.

TeAda Productions is a nomadic, multi-cultural theater of color based in Los Angeles. They’re a group of actors, writers, directors, and filmmakers who work with immigrants, refugees, LGBQTI, and underrepresented sectors both locally and nationally.

Leilani Chan

Founded in 1994, the production company operates under the guidance of Leilani Chan, their founding artistic director. Under her guidance, TeAda develops, produces, and tours new works rooted in social justice that highlight the multi-faceted populace TeAda engages.

Helping Communities

I was lucky enough to have the chance to talk with Director of Development Jade Puga to learn more about the organization.

You primarily work with underrepresented communities. What are some of the problems they face and how does TeAda help?

“TeAda understands that representation is integral to the advancement of people of color, women, LGBQT, immigrants, and refugees. A pioneer in social justice theater, TeAda empowers these communities through the arts.

We are committed to healing and honoring the lives of the displaced, exploited, and overlooked. Our artistic process starts and ends with conscious listening, community building, and creative courage.

Through theater workshops and performances, TeAda offers acts of service that are transformative and impactful.”

TeAda puts the spotlight on different cultures

Where do you guys usually perform? How often do you perform?

“We are a nomadic theater therefore perform in various theaters across the US as well as community centers throughout Los Angeles. We typically tour a full production throughout the year and have local programming like CreAtive Self-Care annually in Los Angeles.

Our newest touring production Masters of the Currents has toured the Hawaiian islands and is scheduled for a continental tour with the first stop at BRAVA! FOR WOMEN IN THE ARTS theater on October 18-21, 2018 in San Francisco, CA.”

How many members do you currently have? How did they find TeAda?

“TeAda members are passionate about social-justice theater and typically find TeAda through a performance or community workshop.”

TeAda members are passionate about social-justice theater Share on X

TeAda travels to different places to perform

Funding Issues

While the group has done well spreading their message, they do have their own set of hurdles to overcome.

What are some of the challenges TeAda has faced and how were you able to overcome them?

“Most of TeAda performances and community workshops are available to audiences for free which makes funding a challenge.”

But through the help of several supporters, TeAda Productions manages to get by. These supporters include:

  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
  • California Arts Council
  • New England Foundation for the Arts
  • California Community Foundation
  • National Performance Network
  • The James Irvine Foundation
  • Los Angeles County Arts Commission

If you would like to make a donation, please visit TeAda’s secure donation page.

Proudly Representing the Underrepresented

TeAda Productions is well-received in the communities they perform in. Much of it due to the collaborative and respectful environment they uphold. They proudly share the stories each community represents. But the group offer more than performance arts.

Come and take a stand with TeAda

For the benefit of our readers, can you elaborate on some of the other things you do?

“In addition to theater development and performances TeAda Productions offers a variety of hands-on workshops both pre-designed and customized based on the needs of your group.

TeAda workshops are aimed at a range of participants from school-aged kids to professionals.”

These workshops include:

  • Appreciating Diversity: Using storytelling to create deeper connections
  • The “Art” of Successful Business: Using theater games to increase confidence and communication skills
  • Teambuilding with TeAda: Interactive theater activities to improve the culture of your organization

TeAda does more than perform

If your community requires a more custom program, they will be more than happy to open discussions with you. Visit TeAda Production’s Workshop page for more information.

Printing With NextDayFlyers

NextDayFlyers is proud to work with TeAda Productions. Through our printing, the group was able to produce business cards, brochures, bookmarks, and flyers to further their cause.

TeAda Business Cards

Thank you for printing with NextDayFlyers. We’d like to know how you’ve used our printing to promote your production company.

“We have used the printed materials such as brochures for our yearly donor drive as well as bookmarks to promote workshops to community organizations. Flyers for the promotion of performances.”

TeAda Brochures

TeAda Stickers

We have used the printed materials such as brochures for our yearly donor drive Share on X

Their team finds NextDayFlyers “fast, efficient, and on time.”

Print your own business cards, brochures, and more at NextDayFlyers.

Is there anything you’d like to add for our readers?

“We hope to see you at one of our community workshops or performances. If you are passionate about the arts and would like to get involved, please sign up to volunteer with TeAda or consider making a donation.

Please visit TeAda Productions’ website and social media pages for updates.

Site: TeAda Productions
Facebook: TeAdaProductions
Instagram: @teadaproductions
Twitter: @teadaproduction