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Category: – Beyond Design

Out of the Galleries and Into the Streets – a Tour of 5 of the Best Graffiti Art Cities in the World

Rather than sticking with the obvious (New York, London, Paris, Rome etc.) we’ve chosen the following cities that you might not think of as being hotbeds of graffiti art. We’ve also picked these cities because they represent a particular sense of anarchy, wit, and social commentary that made graffiti art so infamous in the first place.…

The Instagram Art Movement – Q&A with Leading iPhone Artist Kevin Carson

There’s a brand new art movement that you may not even be aware of. It grew up out of the Instagram craze and has many followers but few people who are able to create truly artistic images in this little-known medium. One of the leading lights of Instagram artworld is Kevin Carson, a designer from Covina, California who has created a brilliant portfolio of mini photo masterpieces.…

How to Beat the Zombie Block – 5 Ways to Conquer Design Fatigue!

Even if that deadline is fast approaching, being anxious and nervous is the worst possible state of mind to try and design and be creative in. Your mind and body are fighting against you; your muscles and mind are wound too tight to be of any use to you. You need to get all loosey goosey. Here’s 5 ideas to get you back into the designer frame of mind…

The Meaning Of Color – A Quick Guide to Coloring Your Logos, Buttons & Life!

Color is a complicated creature that can make us feel hot and bothered one minute, and warm and gooey the next! For a designer creating business cards, flyers, logos, websites, etc, color is everything. It is the fundamental driving force of a design and can be the difference between design failure or success. Here’s an infographic guide to color and its meaning.…

Beyond Design: Elaine Weber

Designers are such multi-talented and versatile people. In fact, it’s not too surprising that their gifts cannot be contained in a single creative outlet. Thus, the inspiration for this periodically recurring blog post: “Beyond Design.” It allows us to shine the spotlight on an individual who excels in more than one line of work. So please allow us to introduce Elaine Golub Weber – a graphic designer who also designs and makes purses and tote bags.…