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NextDayFlyers Posts

Photoshop Text Effects Tutorial: 3 Easy Effects to Transform Your Flyer Designs

Are you tired of those Photoshop tutorials that are so complex that you need a degree in quantum theory to detangle? Well you’re in luck, because in this Photoshop tutorial, we have provided 3 extra-fancy Photoshop text effects that take under 5 minutes each to create and add a touch of “joi de vivre” to your flyer designs or other graphic projects.…

Rocking it In Real Estate! 8 of the Best Advertising Ideas for Realtors

To get the ahead of the real estate pack, it’s vital that you try out new real estate advertising ideas and listing concepts to see what works for your customers and what doesn’t. If you’re looking for marketing inspiration, then try out some of these advertising ideas. The only way that you can rock it in the real estate world is if you are bold enough to try new methods and test new strategies.…

The Tech Experts Have Spoken! Top Gadgets and Trends in 2014

In this blog, we are going to explore the latest gadgets and gizmos that are going to make our lives so much easier and more exciting. After researching some of the Internet’s most popular tech sites and reacting to the tech experts’ personal predictions for 2014, I have come up with a list of tech projections for 2014 to get you all excited about the coming year:…

Copywriting Inspiration: 10 Places on the Web and Beyond!

Where do you get your writing ideas from? Hopefully, they come from deep within your noggin. However, the mind of a writer needs feeding and the following sites include some of the best writing ideas, packaging writing, creative writing prompts, and blog writing examples you’ll find anywhere.…

15 Marketing Insights That Inspired Us In 2013

People in marketing, publicity, and social media have a lot to say. Some may argue that in fact they have TOO MUCH to say! But no matter what you feel about the media industry, you cannot deny that there are a heck of a lot of smart cookies that work in media! As a tribute to some of those insightful individuals, we have put together some of the best marketing tweets, quotes, and posts of 2013.…