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Category: Marketing Tips Test

8 Trends to Tap into for Back to School Marketing

Recently updated on November 6th, 2017 at 05:54 pm

Tapping into trends for your back to school marketing, or any marketing for that matter, can help you improve your ROI. Back to school marketing is not just about products and services that are directly connected to education and kids. Back to school time marks the beginning of the seasonal “spending spree” that typically hits consumers at this time of the year.

5 Tips for Cultivating Customers with Social Media

Recently updated on October 19th, 2017 at 07:56 pm

Last year Starbucks used the power of social media to drive more than one million people to their stores in one day.1 Their free pastry day social promotion is a testament to Twitter and Facebook and the power social media has for boosting brand recognition and driving customers to sites and stores. Used correctly for your company, social media can bring in new customers and strengthen relationships with current customers.

14 Must Haves for Your Website

Recently updated on November 6th, 2017 at 07:11 pm

When it comes to your website, whether you’re a graphic designer with a staff of one, or a huge corporation with a staff of thousands, there are countless choices to make. This makes it a challenge to decide what you have to have, what you need to have, and what you’d like to have. So, here’s our 14 must have website tips to use when you’re planning or redesigning your website.1,2,3

5 Ways to Support Green with Your Marketing

Recently updated on November 10th, 2017 at 10:06 pm

Everyone wants to prevent oil spills and keep the world from becoming one big hothouse. But, let’s face it, we still live in a world where most people won’t change their ways until it hits them in the pocketbook. For instance, one way to get those hybrid cars selling faster is to raise gas prices.

Are You Making Disastrous Mistakes in your Reward Program?

Recently updated on November 6th, 2017 at 06:56 pm

Creating a useful and valuable reward program for customers can be a great perk for increasing loyalty. The keys to success lie in relevant high-value rewards coupled with personal engagement.1 This means you need to steer away from gimmicks and mass blasts. All too often loyalty programs really don’t offer much-added value for a customer and worse, the customer is contacted too frequently with those low-value offers.